
jpg. of the week...

i'm first made aware of this artist/designer on etsy's style blog - and at the risk of being redundant i'm really moved to share his works as well...
Anthony Roussel
amazing. anthony "works towards creating a perfect synthesis of jewellery and art" - and has mastered the use of many tools (including 3D modeling software and digital production) on his way to becoming a widely recognized artist.


jpg. of the week

the work of sharon montrose is currently being featured on etsy through their "featured seller" interview. judging by her sales, her work which consists of animal photography strikes a cord with many. it's simple, it's clean, it's beautiful - and in case you're wondering, yes the animals are real... crazy, i know.

baby deer, 7x8 fine art print

kicking off the season...

i'd like to extend a warm thanks to all of those who have contributed to a good '09/10 fall and winter season "kick off". cheers to etsy and all of you are putting us in your treasuries and blog posts.
we'd love to get better acquainted: "i'm" the one writing to you, making for you, "modeling", mailing and maintaining everything :) "us" is in reference to number 2 and 3, my sig. other and beautiful son who can cut a serious rug and is currently completely infatuated with cars and is very patient with his mom for all the post office runs he accompanies.

my feeling is, as etsy grows with over 100,000 new members a month (and an impressive $15,000,000+ in sales for august... !!!) it's going to be a busy winter.

keep up the good work and good luck!
